When will I receive my books?

Your first order will be dispatched within 2 working days for delivery within 5 working days. Subsequent orders will be dispatched on your monthly anniversary

What condition are the books in?

They’re pre-loved books but graded good to great condition. Some may have signs of use but we would never send out anything that is in anything less than what we’d be happy with ourselves

Do you ship worldwide?

At present Hand Me Down Book Club subscriptions are only available in the the United Kingdom, Ireland, and most of mainland Europe. We are working on finding an economical solution to ship further afield, but at present it is not possible

Can I donate books?

Thank you for wanting to help us, but we are not currently accepting donations

Is your packaging sustainable?

All of Hand Me Down Book Club’s packaging is completely plastic free, sustainably sourced and 100% recyclable. We also endeavour to reuse any boxes that we receive ourselves, so packaging from month to month may vary!

How do I cancel?
We’re sorry you want to leave, please let us know if there anything we could have done differently?

Canceling is easy:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click ‘Subscription’
  3. Then click cancel subscription

There’s also the option to pause if you want to have a break for a little while

What genres can I select?

You can either pick from the following list, or pick the surprise me book box and we’ll surprise you every month

  • Classics
  • Crime & Thriller
  • Fantasy & Science Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Romance
  • Young Adult
Can I purchase a single book box?

We only sell on a subscription basis, but you are always free to cancel or pause at any point. We don’t have any commitment periods

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes, you can pause your subscription in your account

Can I get a book box every other month?

Yes. In your account you have the option to pause your subscription. Simply pause your subscription on the months that you don’t want to receive a box

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